First Baptist Herald- Online

First Baptist Herald- Online

Winter and Spring Preaching Series by Reverend Doyle

Please join us for Reverend Doyle’s preaching series, “Leaving Everything: Sermons on Discipleship from the Gospel of Luke,” in the Winter and Spring of 2025! This series will begin on Sunday, January 12. We’ll see you in person in the Sanctuary or online!

Christmas Fellowship Dinner 2024

Following our Morning Worship Service on December 22, a fellowship dinner was served for those who attended the service in person! It was served by the Women’s Service Council. For more photos from this event, please click here!

“Christian Symbols of Christmas” Tabletop Displays

You’re invited to see the “Christian Symbols of Christmas” tabletop displays in the Hedgley Fellowship Hall on Sundays during December! You can see a photo album of the displays below, but visit them in person if you can!