This page serves as reflections on the events and activities in the life of First Baptist Church in 2017.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing (December 19, 2017)
Written by Dr. Pamela Dockery-Howard, Youth and Children’s Ministry
This holiday season, the youth rang the bell and collected donations for the Salvation Army on Saturday, December 16 from 9:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. Several groups of both youth and adults rotated shifts throughout the day.

CROP Hunger Walk 2017 (October 15, 2017)
Written by Margaret Graham, Chair
Motto: Ending Hunger One Step At Time
First Baptist Church Highland Avenue has been an active participant in the local CROP Walk for several years. This was the 36th year that Winston Salem/Forsyth County came together to show their care and concern for our community and the world.
The funds raised are shared with Church World Service (75%), Crisis Control Ministry (12.5%) and Sunnyside Ministry (12.5%) to support their pantries.
This year, the First Baptist Highland Walkers donated $1,700.00 and had 20 walkers. That surpassed last year’s amount of $1,360.00

The whole congregation is asked to be involved. Usually, the adults donate financially and the youth walk. There is an educational component designed to teach the youth about people in need and Christian Service.
Operation InAsMuch – (April 7, 2017)
Written by Lois Young, Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir chose to support the Ronald McDonald House annual fundraiser. Families who stay at the Ronald McDonald House are asked to pay at least $10 for each night of stay.

April 7, 2017 was their “Sport a Shirt – Share a Night” fundraiser. For every $10 donated, a tee-shirt was given. Each Chancel Choir member donated $10 and we wore our t-shirts on April 7 in support of this effort. This amounted to a $280 donation to support the work of the Ronald McDonald House.
James F. Wertz Oratorical Contest (March 18, 2017)
Written by Tandeka Boko, Co-chair of the Youth Ministry and Children’s Ministry
I, and others supporting the First Baptist Church Youth Ministry, were honored to be able to witness Briana Shuff, Brittany Shuff and Jaylen Crawford speak last weekend on Saturday, March 18, 2017, at the James F. Wertz Oratorical Contest sponsored by the Rowan Baptist Association at the venue of First Baptist Church, 508 Apple St, Burlington, NC.
First Baptist had three participants (the highest representation among the member churches). Briana Shuff presented in the Preparatory Division and, Brittany Shuff and Jaylen Crawford in the Junior Division. Jaylen Crawford won 1st place in his division, witnessing on the challenges and benefits of living God’s way. Briana and Brittany Shuff were honorably recognized as they witnessed to overcoming fear. God blessed us to be able to hear Youth experiences, to feel them through their delivered words, scriptures and verse of contemporary songwriters, and to be given the opportunity to listen with empathy.

Faith-based oratorical presentations provide a nurturing place for young people to share their faith and love of God, while simultaneously building upon life skills such as courage, perseverance, communication, and effective organization of thoughts and delivery of ideas. We are so appreciative of Elder Williams’ commitment to coordinating this annual oratorical contest. As supporters of our Youth, please continue to join us in encouraging them through your smiles, applause, and words of constructive guidance. For, as Rev. Sherman Mason, President of the Congress of Christian Education said, if we don’t support and love on our youth, “the drug dealer and the gang banger are more than willing to show that they care.”
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